Pretty Damn Depressing...

I went to the Doctor yesterday and when she came in she said she was worried because apparently I have gained 14 pounds in the last year. OMG is that ridiculous and mortifying. How does that even happen? and worse how did I not notice? She seems to think that I may have a thyroid disorder, as this type of weight gain is abnormal. So she took blood and I should find out about that in the next couple of weeks. But I am pretty much completely disgusted with myself at this point. I know things are getting bad when my doctor is suggesting weight watchers, which I am actually considering doing. I also want to join a gym of some sort. Something has definitely got to give though. This is just depressing.


Zombie Queen said…
I know how you feel. My weight has been up and since having my kids. I joined Wight Watchers and started working out last year and it worked. I dropped 15 pounds! Then I got preggers and moved to the middle no where. So, I've pretty much gained it back and then some. Now that I've had my baby I want to start working out and eating right. But... I lose motivation and get bored easily. Plus, I REALLY like food!!
Zombie Queen said…
Oh yea, the docs thought I might have a low thyroid but tests showed I had a functioning thyroid. They then told me I had PCOS.... Which could contribute to the weightiness.
AlphaBetsy said…
I heard from my doctor today and apparently I do have a thyroid disorder. So now I have to make more doctors appointments and get medicated. That should at least help a little with weight loss. As long as I buckle down and commit.
Zombie Queen said…
Hey, at least you have some answers now! :) Perhaps you could look into a way to treat the condition herbally, if you are opposed to taking medications. Whatever the case, I wish you luck!

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