October is getting away from me...

Aaarrgghh!!!! How is it the 13th already? I am losing large parts of this month. With work, school and plans pretty much every weekend I am very very overwhelmed and missing my favorite month. 

I have been sewing halloween costumes in my spare time, and planning my decorations, though not decorating yet. I'm going to get a lot of things together in the next couple of days for the A Fanciful Twist Halloween Party. I have been shopping like a madwoman. I so love Halloween. 
One of my absolute favorite purchases this year: 

A Piggy Witch!!! 
We are jokingly calling her Elphabacon. 

In honor of the Halloween season I have broken out my Halloween Tarot. I bought it a year or two ago, but hadn't really played with it much because I have my favorite deck. I started using it this year and realized it is very similar to the deck I normally use and therefore I can do full readings with it. I am an intuitive reader so sometimes a deck just doesn't work for me. I can use this one though. Yay. 

Well I am going to go back to work and will paste more soon!! 


Danni said…
This month has been running away from me. I've gotten the house mostly together, but between my eye and the medications making me so lethargic I've been slacking on art stuff. Ugh.

I do ADORE your Elphabacon! I think I saw Halloween oinkers at Target, but I definitely didn't see any witches! *jealous*
Lynda Hardy said…
I've got my Halloween Tarot out for the month too! I find I can read very well with it... if all else fails, look to what the cat's up to. ;)
Rue said…
I was laughing because I just had a moment of horror while looking at the calendar - I didn't realize it was the 13th already either!

I love the Halloween Tarot!! My favourite deck!
jaz@octoberfarm said…
i am so glad you liked the popcorn tip. i almost didn't post it but then i realized what a revolution it was for me and thought...why not. it is just the easiest thing in the world! why didn't i know this years ago?
Cute tarot! I'm gonna start a costume tonight. I was looking at witch hats but decided I could make one. I have some leopard print fabric somewhere, so I'll use that. If I have leftover, I'll sew up a corsetty thing too.
Not sure if this is your Halloween Party Post, but super blog!

Please fly by for my giveaways too...
Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy

My Haunted Halloween Party Link:

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