Back to life...

It's been a great holiday weekend at our house.

Saturday night we had the party for our friend Jerry, who was proceeding me into the land of our thirties. Others have gone before, but he is the first of our group for 2011. :) Niki made a Megaman cake for  Jerry, and unfortunately I did not get a picture before it was cut, because I suck. The second photo below is of Seth's brother Chris, far left, Andrew and the Birthday boy Jerry on the right. The last photo is of Seth owning someone in mortal combat.

Sunday we slept in late, because we were up so late. Then we finally got up, fixed some lunch, and decided that we would catch a movie at the Movie Tavern later in the night. We saw Tron: Legacy in 3-D. Visually it was amazing, though the story was a bit formulaic. It's definitely worth a watch though, and the CGI pieces with the younger Jeff Bridges were amazing.

Today we loafed again. We cooked lunch, and then worked on leveling my City of Heroes character more for my 30 before 30. She's a level 33 now, only 7 to go. We made dinner; chicken breast, asparagus and mashed sweet potatoes. Then I went online and ordered the pattern for my Wedding Dress. I had picked it a while ago but did not realize that it was no longer being produced until I went to purchase it the other day. I found a copy on ebay , well my sister did really, for $20 which was the least expensive I had seen it for, and it was the right size, so I bought it. I am leaning toward the one with the lace panel, but we shall see.

Before I go here are some fun shots from the weekend. Zoe wearing a top hat and Sam looking oh so feline. 


Unknown said…
Seth was totally owning me in Mortal Kombat in that picture! lol

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