Coming Soon...

It's a long weekend, Huzzah. And it's the opening weekend of the Ohio Renaissance Festival!! I'm not sure which day, but we are definitely going to make a trip down this weekend. I am having the pleasant problem that with my weight loss my bodices are becoming too big. I am going to do some rigging in the next couple of days to get them to fit like I need them to. I need to invest in new, but I don't want to do that until I reach my final weight, which I haven't yet. I am also going to convert a far too big Chemise into a skirt. I'm going to be busy the next couple of nights getting ready. It's worth it though.This wench is ready to get into the swing.

I think on Saturday I will be bringing my dad's wife, Lesley, into Columbus to take her to some of my favorite local thrift stores. Lesley is awesome and I hope I can help her find some great finds.

Next Saturday is the Gypsy Dreams Blog Party. And it is the day of the birthday party for our niece, Moira. She will be three. That is so scary; it seems like she was just born yesterday. Weird. I am thinking I will make her some mini Renaissance garb. She's a little ginger, and will look so cute. I'm not sure I can handle it.

The next weekend is the Country Living Fair. My little sister, my mom and I will be going on Saturday. It's such a great event. I hope to have some amazing photos to share and some great finds.

Then the next week is the Practical Magic blog party. Which I think is going to be the home to my very first blog giveaway. I'm really excited, and a little nervous. Keep an eye out though.

When I am not doing this stuff, I am working on the Craftster WWP Mabon swap and the Halloween Tin Swap from Bliss Angels. As well as getting ready for Halloween, and such...



I was just reading the comments on Vanessa's last post and wanted to say I was super excited when you mentioned Matt Smith. I love him too, but don't know many other people who watch Doctor Who that I can talk to about how adorable he is!
AlphaBetsy said…
:) I do love him and I am all over Dr. Who so feel free to come to talk to me at any time.

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