15 days of thankfulness - Day 15

November 24 - Day 15 - 3 things about your life right now that you are thankful for.

I am thankful that I have been given the ability to go to College. And that I am doing really well. I am really proud, especially since my high school career was not great.

I am thankful that both Seth and I have amazing and supportive families. I know that they are going to be there to help us with our wedding, our home and beyond.

I am thankful for constant friends, friends rediscovered, friends I have never actually met, and, well, all my friends. I may not always call, stop by, comment or text, but I still love and appreciate you all in all ways.

Thank you for following me through my 15 days of Thanksgiving. So to you and yours.


Queenie Believe said…
A wonderful thanksgiving post. Your 15 day count down has been lovely.
It is amazing how truly and richly we are each blessed when we sit down and reflect.
Have a wonderful thanksgiving holiday weekend.
Always, Queenie
Carousel Dreams said…
Ooh, I am a little late, but I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving...such a beautiful post about what you are grateful for. I think it's so important to remember all of our blessings, however small they may be xxx
Anonymous said…
AWESOME! It is a great thing to take time out of the hub bub of life to really think about what we are thankful for. I may do this myself! Have a fabulous day! :)

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