Lost time and the holidays

So at some point during the last couple of weeks the power cord to my netbook died. Completely. And so slowly but surely the power to my beloved netbook also died. NOOOOO!!! And because at heart I am a lazy bitch who refuses to go upstairs and use her desktop computer, I have not blogged in a really, really long time.

Let's see what has happened since we spoke last.

We took the parents (Seth's and mine) to see the wedding venue. They all loved it. Yay. They said we made a good choice. These are some photos we snapped while touring.

We had a holiday party, and the night before a cookie baking party. The next photos are from that. :) 

I have much more to say and share, but this is good for now. I have missed you all. I promise not to go away for so long ever again. 


Marfi-topia said…
Hi Betsy
Good to see you again!
The venue looks beautiful.
Love the cookies.. Are those tassels?? Lol
So cute!
Have a
Happy New Year!
Toriz said…
Cookie party... Nice! :)
AlphaBetsy said…
Marfi - Thanks for the welcome. I'm glad to be back. Those are tassels. It was late and we had way too much fun. :)

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