A new year... welcome to 2012.

to you and yours. 

I spent New Years Eve with my two favorite wenches and my favorite rogue. Much wine was drunk, creme brulee was eaten, karaoke was sung, conversations were had, laughter was shared, champagne bottles were opened with swords and catching up was done. It was a great night, but I have no photographic evidence. *sigh* Having too much fun to use a camera.

It's officially 2012. The year is beginning a bit questionably, but I have hope that it will all work itself out fairly quickly.

Seth is now officially unemployed. It could not have come at a worse time. We have so much wedding that we really need to get done/started, and we can't because we don't know when Seth will be employed again. The very scary possibility of possibly having to cancel the wedding altogether has been spoken of, but nothing that extreme will happen until absolutely necessary. For now I am going to do some workings to find him a job, and help him figure out where he wants to be. That and helping him with his resume is about all I can do.

Because of the holidays and the stress of future monetary hardships lurking I have put back on 7 or 8 pounds in the last month or so. The holidays are always a stressful and hard time for me but with all the additional stresses things just went all to hell really quickly. I am jumping back into my healthy lifestyle starting tomorrow. Including getting up early to work out, even though I have the day off. I just can't let all the crap cost me all my hard work, so I am making it stop right now. I am going to continue with weight watchers, but I am considering switching to the points plus system with the new year. I need to do some reading, so we shall see.

School starts again on Tuesday. These couple of weeks off have not been nearly enough time to rest, but back to work it is. This quarter I am taking Psychology and Spanish 1. I haven't taken Spanish since junior high, but I feel like it is a good language to learn no matter what line of study I am in. Speaking of which I am more than likely going to end up changing my major, probably to English. I feel like I did not really understand what being a paralegal is, and getting into the nitty gritty I do not think it is for me. When I started school I did so because I have a job that I am not happy doing, so the idea of going to school to end up doing a different job that I am still unhappy in is just not logical to me. So, I am going to make an appointment to talk to an advisor to see what I need to do to change majors and what it will mean.

I have made myself another list of goals, actually I made two lists. One is the large year long goals I am setting and the other is  more of the short term goals which I am giving myself until my birthday again to complete. I actually started my short goals at the beginning of December, so I have gotten some of them completed, but the long term start as of today.

Long Term: to be completed by January 1, 2013

1) Get down to a size 12 and reach my final weight loss goal.
2) Do a ritual for all holidays
3) Reach final decision about major and work on funding and possibility of switching to full time
4) Learn to knit or crochet

Short Term: to be completed by March 14, 2012

1) fly a kite (yep it's still here)
2) get a massage
3) reach one-derland
4) scrapbook 2011
5) get piercings
6) assemble bouquet
6b) bouquet for Shmoo, and boutonnieres/corsages
7) take boxing class
8) go to gallery hop
9) Hold at least 3 craft nights for wedding.
10) Find fabric for men's weddings vests
11) make/order wedding invitations
12) Eat at 5 restaurants I have never tried 1 2 3 4 5
13) Get addresses for invitations
14) Make out invitations
15) Plan birthday shopping trip weekend to Indianapolis with Mom and Shmoo
16) Find fabric for wedding jacket
17) Meet with school to discuss change to semesters, major change, etc.
18) Start applying for scholarships
19) do something super fun for New Years
20) have awesome birthday dinner party
21) send out save the dates
22) figure out vows

This is so wedding heavy, but that is pretty much the theme of 2012 in my world. I will let you know how I am doing with my goals again. I have high hopes for this year, so let's get going.


Anonymous said…
Ooooh! I set long term goals but didn't think about short term. I'm going to make one of those too! Yours is quite full! I love all the craft nights and the piercing goals!
AlphaBetsy said…
I really try to keep the lists balanced but reachable. I love the short term lists. It has really gotten me to move and do things I might not have.
Toriz said…
Happy new year; hope it turns out to be a good one and you get at least some of the things checked off your list!

And, for the record... Your wedding will mean just as much to you, I'm sure, whether it's a big celebration or not. So if times are tough right now, just try to keep costs as low as you can, and remember that it's the commitment you're making that matters, not how you do it. I got married in a pair of joggers and a t-shirt and my wedding feast was a trip to a food court with my hubby and our two witnesses (that was our entire wedding party) and it was still the best day of my life! :)
Anonymous said…
Fingers crossed that the year will only get better. Will keep you and yours in my thoughts next time I do a prayer/wish candle.

Love short/long term list idea too!
Unknown said…
Doesn't it feel good to have the holiday chaos over? :) Glad you're making it through and back.

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