Look at all the pretty colors

The Color Run was on July 21 and it was a total blast. Other than getting a big poof of died corn starch to the right ear. Otherwise it was a messy, colorful joyfest. Here is what it looked like.

It was seriously so much fun. :) We got messy and colorful and sweaty and loved every minute. 

Beyond that I have joined a gym in the last couple of weeks to get my butt back in gear and lose the last of the weight I want to lose. I have about an inch to go before my dress will fit, and it has to happen. So I am working hard now to get there. I am taking a boot camp class and a weight loss class through the gym. I am sore and I feel amazing. 

School is almost done for the quarter, thankfully, and then life will become all wedding all the time, lol. 2 months to go as of Monday!! Ack. 


LuLu Kellogg said…
You are just adorable! LOVED seeing the pics!!

I know you will loose that last inch!!! I am cheering you on!!!

Unknown said…
Oh wow! That looks amazing! I would love to do a colour run, we dont have them in the UK though.
You will totally loose the weight, dont worry, it sounds as if you are right on track for success!! :)

Jerra :) xx
Toriz said…
The colour run sounds like it was fun!

You'll lose that last little bit, and you'll look amazing come your wedding day!

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