I am so ready for fall

This summer has wreaked havoc in the lives of me and my wonderful husband. We had a water line burst in our front yard which we had to pay to replace. They had to dig a huge hole in the yard, and while digging they accidentally brushed a gas line, so then they couldn't finish until the gas company okayed it. Once they got the new line run, we found out that moving out electric ground had completely taken away our ground and for over a month we have been fighting to get someone out here to fix our electricity. They finally did last week, but not before our spotty electricity burned up Seth's computer, my netbook, the microwave and our dehumidifier. I think we are finally getting back to normal now. Or at least mostly normal.

The last two semesters I have upped my classes to 3 rather than the usual 2, because if I keep that up I will qualify to graduate in Spring. Woo-hoo. Over the summer I took College Algebra (Which was actually pre-calculus), American History and Intro to Folklore. I ended up with an A and 2 Bs which I can definitely live with. This semester I am taking Mythology, Astronomy and Intro to Writing Creative Non-Fiction. So far I like all of my classes, though I am struggling a bit with Astronomy. I will get it, it's just not as familiar as some of the other subjects. Mythology is fabulous and my professor is one of those great exciting teachers who make you want to learn. It's the kind of professor I hope to be one day. 

We are headed on our huge vacation to Vegas in about 3 weeks. I am so excited. I have so many things I want to do before we go, too. I want to get my hair trimmed, get a pedicure and (this is probably more than you want to know, but..) a bikini wax. I know I am going to be in a bathing suit out there and I want to look nice, not scary, so... I am a bit nervous about flying. I haven't been on a plane since I was 6 or 7, and that has been a couple of days ago. I know everything will be fine, but I'm still a little panicky. Any suggestions on how to get over my nerves? 

Before Vegas though, we have my niece's 5th birthday party on Saturday, we are going to the Backwoods Festival next weekend, and on the 28th my mom, sister and me are volunteering for Honor Flight Columbus. Honor Flight in an organization that flies veterans to DC for free to visit the memorials for the wars they served in. We will be getting them into their shirts, talking to them, getting them onto the planes and on their way. I am so excited to help with this. My grandfather was a veteran of the Korean War and I love to think I may be helping some of his fellow service members do something amazing. 

And once we get back from vacation it will be Halloween time. Woo-hoo. I have so many plans cooking in my head right now. I know what my costume is going to be this year, and I think it is going to be beyond amazing. I already ordered my white patent leather mary-janes. Any guesses? I will reveal all in time. 



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