I don't care what the vampire said

I am ready to change. Once several years ago I had a dream and in that dream there was a point where a vampire looked at me and said "You are resistant to change". I remember waking up horrified and laughing because that was not a subtle reminder of the subconscious, but a bit of a bitch slap instead. And the worst part was that the vampire was right, I have serious issues with change. I am the worst kind of creature of habit. I will stay in a job I hate for years because the idea of seeking a new one, interviewing and leaving my current job makes me sick. I get plagued by anxiety and questions, better just to stay put where I'm comfortable. It has always been one of my biggest weaknesses.
So this year I decided that my challenge and inspiration for the year 2014 is the word change.

I am prepared to shake myself up, and take are of some things that I need to change, as well as some things I just want to. I am tired of holding myself back. I am an awesome person and I deserve better than what I am giving myself. I am through with that. I am ready to be better for my self, to stop procrastinating and to start acting and moving.

I will no longer stand in my own way.


I understand needing to be ok with change. I was told a long time ago that the only constant in life is change. I wish you many blessings with your adventure and can't wait to read more in the future

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