Written Word Wednesday - Whimsical Witches

I have decided to resurrect a weekly post I did for a bit called Written Word Wednesday. I will talk about all things written: books, graphic novels, short stories, articles, or whatever makes me happy.
This week in honor of Halloween, and my minor obsession, I thought I would focus on Witches in Literature. Some of my favorite books in the world focus on those wild and wonderful women (and men) who are workers of magic. Some of these characters are called witches outright, and some are just characters that I believe fill the criteria even if they are never labeled such by the author.
The Witches from any Discworld book by Terry Pratchett.
Sir Terry gave us the most beautiful, motley collection of eclectic witches that you could ever hope for. The lessons they teach are so beautiful, and applicable, that they have become like real people to me. I often quote Granny and even Miss Tick in my everyday life. I am patiently waiting to get my hands on a copy of The Shepherd's Crown.
Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen

Sarah writes the most beautiful, hazy, modern day fairy tale. Claire is such a lovely, wounded, amazing character. The book is a wonderful read, and will leave you wanting more, which is fine because Sarah recently published the sequel. I haven't read it yet, but I expect it to be just as lovely.
Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman

The whole Owen's clan has my heart, but who didn't want to be Sally or Jilly after reading the book by Alice Hoffman. My favorite thing about the book is that the magic is much more subtle and more like true witchcraft. The movie based on the book is also one of my faves but do not write off the easy everyday magic of the book. So lovely.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
If the love story between two magical students caught in a game outside of their control doesn't move you to your soul, then I have nothing to say to you. Read the book and become a reveur.
The Melorean, Belgariad and Polgara the Sorceress by David & Leigh Eddings

Polgara is my hero and I want to be her when I grow up. Enough said.
Harry Potter Books by JK Rowling

From book one I was hooked. I am a true Ravenclaw and I will be forever.
I can think of a hundred more, but that will be for another day. Who are your favorite literary witches? 





Victoria said…
I've read and loved all the books you mention, except the ones by David and Leigh Eddings. I'm going to look for those.


Magaly Guerrero said…
What a delicious post. Every book and character you listed I absolutely love. I'm quite enchanted to see Polgara's face... she isn't as known as the Granny Weatherwaxes of the world, but goodness is she amazing or what!

Love this feature. ♥
Sunny said…
I love Discworld.

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