Magical Monday

Magical Monday

3 Card Spread -  Mind, Body, Spirit 

Mind: 0 The Wanderer: You have come to junction or turning point in your life. It may be an unconscious state in which you feel the tide has turned or sense something is going to happen. In a way it already has. Your spirit must move on and the desire to leap into the unknown beckons. This may mean leaving behind or giving up some baggage or burden that you have carried with you from the past. Now is the time to be clear and not let fear of falling or sad disillusion with the universe hold you back. Let your imagination carry you into a new set of possibilities. It is a time to travel hopefully and open your arms to new and challenging aspects of the universe. 

Body : Queen of Stones - Bear: Richness and plenty surround you. Your bounty and welcoming nature make you popular with all. Many depend on you, and your natural sensuality makes your powerfully attractive to others. Pragmatism and generosity open doorways at every point. 

Spirit: Seven of Stones - Healing: One of the deepest stages of heal;ing and recovery after any emotional trauma or physical injury is forgiveness. If the healing is from a relationship issue, we often hold onto the pain, mistakenly believing that it keeps us close to the source of that pain. Sometimes, we hang onto a sense of loss, loneliness and betrayal associated with the failure of the relationship. Regret can also be associated with these feelings as one questions one's own motives and actions. Yet, if you have acted with integrity and sincerity, there is no need for regret; it is a waste of energy and healing focus. If regret is present, more work may be prepared to understand its underlying causes. One of the elements inherent in bringing healing and closure to any situation is acceptance along with self-forgiveness. We are neither perfect nor omnipotent and, therefore, we make mistakes. The acceptance of these simple truths can bring healing to the suffering soul. 

 Totem for the Week:
from Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson 
Illustrated by Angela C. Werneke

25 Fox: If Fox has chosen to share its medicine with you, it is a sign that you are to become like the wind, which is unseen yet is able to weave into and through any location or situation. You would be wise to observe the acts of others rather than their words at this time. Use your cunning nature in a positive way; keep silent about who and what and why you are observing. In learning the art of camouflage, you need to test your abilities to pull this off. 
While learning from Fox, you might also gain confidence in your ability to know instantly what will happen next. After observing for a while, you will become aware of a certain predictability in given situations and be able to quickly make your move. Fox medicine teaches the art of oneness through its understanding of camouflage. This applies on all levels, from rocks to God. With Fox medicine, you are  being asked to see all types of uses for Oneness. 

Thoughts: I am working on finding a new job, and therefore doing workings on getting a new job. My current job is so stressful right now because of lay offs, and mergers, and just general chaos. I am more than ready for a change. So I am working to manifest that change. 

I have also signed up for the winter transition module of the Psycho Spiritual Wheel of the Year with JoAnna Devoe. I am excited to work through some of the Shadows I know I need to deal with, and to do it with a group of like minded and supportive individuals. 



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