Magical Monday

Magical Monday

3 Card Spread -  Head, Heart, Spirit 

Head: Knight of Swords - A Hero. Being quick to respond and take action. Be careful that bravery does not lead to rashness or tactlessness.

Heart: V The Heirophant - Divine inspiration. Looking within for answers. Taking control of your spiritual needs. 

Spirit: Eight of Cups - Turning your back on that which no longer serves you. Moving on to brighter things. 

 Totem for the Week:
from Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson 
Illustrated by Angela C. Werneke

33 Weasel - Stealth: Look to weasel power to tell you the "hidden reasons" behind anything. Some people are put off by Weasel medicine, talent and abilities, but there are no bad medicines. We all have power, or we would not be here to heal Mother Earth. Perhaps if you have Weasel power you could use your secret gifts for the good of all. Observe who or what needs attention, or a solution, and offer your assistance in your own quiet or discreet way. 

Sharing Shadows:

The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

55 The Soul Shrinker - Critical and malicious thoughts and words are having a detrimental effect on the situation and the people involved in it. Steps need to be taken to banish this curse energy through love and compassion - or at the very least, through forgiveness and a refusal to accept the curse into oneself. Understanding the implications of this and transforming the behavior and feelings involved is a major and often very difficult step in human spiritual development. 
One of the things usually involved here is taking responsibility for ourselves and our own feelings rather than blaming others for the way we are. Another part of this process is to learn to be compassionate toward ourselves. If we can do that, it is much easier not to be horrible to and about others.

Advice from the Ancestors: 

14 Balance  - You must be balanced and patient. The time is right to rest and contemplate all the facets of your existence. To continue now you must be still and calm. Finding the inner balance that will enable you to see beyond the present state is a process of trust and confidence in your own strengths. These facets may include parts of your psyche that you would rather not deal with, but no amount of denial will rid you of the need to absorb and reclaim them. Balance is absolutely necessary to free the inner self from the fears and self-doubts that keep us spiritually deaf, dumb and blind. Once the natural state of balance is achieved, the plateau that will give you access to the higher self will be open before you. 

This has been an interesting week for me. The inauguration was a source of great anxiety for me, so I took a brief hiatus from social media for a day, and picked it back up on Saturday to follow the marches. I was not able to attend a march, but I followed with great interest cheering those who did. And so many of my friends went out to march. It was inspiring and made me want to get involved with my favorite causes. 



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