Magickal Monday - Birthday Eve

Magickal Monday

Tomorrow is my birthday. So the spread I am doing for this week is the Birthday Spread, which I found on Pinterest.

1. Last Year: IV of Wands - Stability. Strong Foundations. Marriage. Domestic life. Peace. Prosperity. Romance. 

2. Let go of This: Knight of Cups *Reversed* - Deceptive person. Falsehood. A scam. Feeling Stuck. Allowing yourself/ feeling like you are being pushed in a direction you do not want to go. 

3. Gift: IV of Pentacles - Selfishness. Putting material gain over all else. Control over your own life. 

4. Embrace This: Ace of Pentacles - Perfection. Balance of material and spiritual realms. Prosperity. Having the will to succeed. Manifestation. New financial opportunity. 

5. Next Year: IV of Swords *Reversed* - Renewed vigor. A return to daily life and events. Activity. 

A lot of this lines up with my current plans, and goals for the next couple of months. I will take it. Hopefully this means a new job is heading my way. Please, please, please. 

I have many thoughts on turning 36, and what is going on in my life, but not for today. 



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