Thoughts on Father's Day...

I grew up without a father, it was my mom and my maternal Grandparents. I met my father when I was 11 or 12. We had an on again off again relationship after that until I turned 21 or so at which point I lost him completely. Late last year I found him, of all things, on Facebook and we began to talk again. I am really enjoying having him as part of my life. But it is strange to me how much I have in common with him as he was never in my life for an extended period of time. Last night I was talking to him about the craft swaps I'd been doing and when I mentioned roller derby, he tells me he was an old school fan of the San Fransisco Bay Bombers and Joanie Weston. I never knew that  but I have been in love with Derby since I first heard of it. My father loves Shakespeare which I have loved since I was in 4th grade. We also both love Renaissance Faires and History, Fantasy and Sci-fi, the paranormal and shows like Ghost Hunters and so much more that I can't even think of right now. Is it possible to pick up such things genetically? I just don't know. It's strange to me though.


Andréann said…
It is. I have a lot in common with my dad. We are the artistic antisocial type. But I didn't grew up with him. My mommy raised me alone. He has a huge alcohol problem and lives some 8h away. For now it's been a year without news of him, and before that another year, and before that some 4 years, etc... From the day my mom got him out of my life I saw him ... 5 or 7 times. I understand my mom's choice but I don't have a father. Father's day never meant anything to me before I met my bf. Now I'm blessed with an awesome father for my family and an equally awesome father-in-law.
Zombie Queen said…
Yes, I do think things like that can be passed down genetically. I have many things in common with my father even though he did take a part in raising me.I have a super crappy relationship with my dad. My mom left him when I was 4 and my brother was r because he was an abusive alcoholic. He is still a mean drunk and I avoid him at all costs. I've never had much use for Father's Day until I had children with Danny. I am still getting used to celebrating.
AlphaBetsy said…
You know when I was in school I started making all the Father's day crafts and giving them to my mother. I figured she played both roles really. As I grew up I kept that up and I would get her plants and flowers for mothers day and tools and "father" gifts for Fathers day. :)
Zombie Queen said…
That's a great idea! :) I love it!

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