Weekend Wrap Up...

Seth and I spent most of the weekend at Origins, which is a gaming convention here in  Columbus. Seth was working for Sandstorm productions pimping the RPG game CthulhuTech. He ran a four hour demo for them plus worked a two hour shift in the booth yesterday and four hours today. I grazed the dealers room and came home with several awesome pins from Geek Details, a pair of beautiful worked metal hair sticks that have jingly bells on them, a halloween witch chibithulhu, a steampunk book that was signed and stamped by the author (and promptly lent to Chris which is why I know neither title or author) and I got two new sets of dice that are neither red nor pink (because all my dice were red or pink) and I got my little sister a domino pendant that's really pretty. Seth and I bought two new card games Burn in Hell and SPANC ~ Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls...lol. For working the booth Seth got one of the CthulhuTech books he didn't have and will be getting a copy of the newest one when it prints!! We missed out on getting Poo though...sad. Poo is an awesome card game and it won an award. It was so much fun. Everyone should go to their local Dork store and ask for a copy . All in all it was a great weekend, albeit tiring.

I really should have been crafting. I have 3 active swaps and I am starting to get stressy. The one is a healing card swap and I am going to try to get them all made out and mailed out in the next day or so. Then there is the 10th Kingdom swap which I have started but have a lot to finish up. Finally is the Jar of Whimsies swap which I have a ton of ideas for but don't want to start on until I have finished the other two. After these I am going to take a break for a while to get some things done around the house and for family that I have been putting off. I will come back for the Samhain WWP Swap.

I finally got my front door wreath re-decorated for Summer, only a little late, but I am so happy with how it turned out that I have to share. Not the best picture but you can see the pretty colors.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


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