Magical Monday - Almost December
Magical Monday 3 Card Spread - Mind, Body, Spirit Mind: 5 The Ancestor: You have made the leap and started a new cycle. Your instinctive spirit has felt it necessary to lead you to the gateway and a new path. You may have been reluctant or concerned at first, but whether you realize it or not a shift has occurred. You may feel wary of unknown denizens that await you in the forest, but the ancient Ancestor within you will guide and reassure you as you relearn and greet new experiences on the path. Trust your inner voice. Listen to your own instinctive and inquisitive nature. Your own inner Ancestor is strong, patient and wise. Let them lead you into the forest with new eyes and a joyful heart. Body : Queen of Arrows - Swan: A state of separation may exist, bringing with it sorrow privation and misfortune. You may need to break old bonds and find new rivers in which to swim if you are to move beyond this place of darkness ...