I have a secret, I want to be Snow White when I grow up. She is by far my favorite fairy tale princess. When I was a little girl eating an hour could take an hour, because if it was a nice red one, I would take a bite and then collapse in a mock swoon and repeat ad nauseum until the apple was done. I wear a silver charm on my silver necklace that I wear all the time of my favorite heroine disney style. So imagine my excitement when I realized that not one but two new movies were coming out this year about my favorite girl, and one had Thor!! I have not gotten to see Mirror, Mirror yet, though I have read the book. This morning Seth and I went to see Snow White and The Huntsman. I liked it, but did not love it. Maybe I am a bit picky about my Snow White films, lol. I loved Chris Hemsworth as our Huntsman, he was hard, and tender, and well Chris Hemsworth. Charlize Theron did well being both human and super human as the wicked queen. The dwarves were made up of some amazing actors incl...