I'm having a day...
I think I'm pms-ing or something, I'm just super emotional today. I keep getting angry, then sad, then I'm fine... It's the full moon so I know that's a little of it. I'm just so flippin sensitive. I should go to bed and pretend I don't exist the rest of the day. I heard from my swap partner today and feel like crap for being so stressy about not hearing from her, apparently her Grandpa died last week, which is why she was not in touch. Man do I feel crappy for complaining now. Not that I could have had any way of knowing, but... In other news it's only 2 weeks until my birthday. I am so looking so forward to my shopping day with mom and Shmoo. We did this last year and it was so much fun. We just ran around on high street all day, going from shop to shop, mostly window shopping. We started with breakfast at Jack and Benny's and went from there. I'm so looking forward to the 13th. I'm also looking forward to next Saturday, because Seth and I ...