Tying-the-Knot Tuesday... the final countdown

We are at 3 weeks to go and things are really starting to come together. We got our tablecloths in the mail this week, as well as the cups and wine glasses we ordered. The tablewear is plastic, but pretty plastic. If you ever need more upscale plastic wear check out the site Smarty had a Party. They are really reasonable and the products are nicer than a typical party supply store. The round table cloths are orange and the rectangle are chocolate brown. I think they are going to look really good.

My mom busted her butt last week and got the guys vests sewn, my jacket sewn and made the skirt for our flower girl. Our friend Cliff who is making our "cake topper" (not really a cake topper, because we are having cupcakes, but it will go on the cake table) asked for photos of us in our finery, so we got some not quite perfect but you get the idea photos.

Seth in his finery. 

Me in the amazing jacket with hat and veil. 

This week and weekend I am going to work on finishing up some of the crafting. Seth's bachelor party will have him out of the house Friday, Saturday and part of Sunday, so I should have no distractions. :) I am beginning to be excited and not just incredibly nervous. Now I just need to write my vows. I better get on that. 


Danni said…
OMG, Betsy, you look stunning!! I love the colors of your outfit as well as the style. And tiny top hats are ALWAYS a bonus!

Your mom did a great job with all of the sewing, I can't wait to see picture of the big day. I'm betting I'm going to get all sniffley. Go write your vows and good luck with everything over the next short weeks!
Anonymous said…
I second Danni: stunning. Really. I totally had to come right over and tell you how fan-fracken-tabulous I think you look in your outfit. Good luck with everything and all the best!
AlphaBetsy said…
Thank you both so much. I am so happy with how things are coming out and I feel amazing in my wedding finery. It's going to be amazing I think. :)

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