Practical Magic and my very first Giveaway

"For more than two hundred years, the Owens women have been blamed for everything that has gone wrong in town." ~ Alice Hoffman, Practical Magic

In preparation for this blog party I decided to reread the book Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman. I remembered loving the book because the magic that they described was so much more natural than "supernatural". It always seemed so much more real to me. Everything was more subtle and I could relate to these beautiful, strong women. 

Reading the book anew I fell in love all over again. The aunts eclectic nature, taking in their nieces even though they never married or had children. The black cats haunting their home. The late night visitors. The orphans who grow into two different, but very similar women. Sally's beautiful daughters who have their own problems with the Owens name. The men who fall into the women's lives. Jimmy the corpse. 

The book is so beautiful that, even though I love the film, I almost wish they could have kept more of the book in tact. That being said though, I had to watch the film 10 times since I signed up for the Blog Party.

My dream in life is to grow up to be like the aunts. I'm at least partway there. I wear interesting, maybe even witchy, clothes. I love hats. I love my tiny gardens. I come from a family of strong women (I like to think of my family as matriarchal). I live in a big old house, with one black cat (for now). 

Someday I hope to be as amazing and interesting an aunt as Frances and Jet. High aspirations, but I think I can reach them. 

For now though I am all ready to fly off the roof on Halloween. 

And I want to help you to be too. So here it is, my first ever blog giveaway. 

The whole package. 
If you win you will get your own pair of red and white striped socks to wear on Halloween when you jump off the roof and fly, the decorated box with the word magic on it... 

super sparkly

a tiger's eye necklace (don't go back to the car for it)...

And two little bottles that hold rosemary from beside the garden gate and lavender for love.

I may throw in some fun extras as well. 

This being my first giveaway I am keeping it simple and saying that you just need to leave a comment to enter. I will leave this open for entries until September 30. I will draw a name and announce a winner on October 1. 
Good Luck. 

There are some things, after all, that Sally Owens knows for certain: Always throw salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Add pepper to your mashed potatoes. Plant roses and lavender, for luck. Fall in love whenever you can.


Find all the other amazing Practical Magic Blogs by clicking the flyer in my sidebar. 


Danni said…
I actually watched the movie for the first time last year and .. don't throw things at me... have never read the book. It's on my very long to-do list though!

Please toss my name in one of your snazzy hats, I'd love to win your first giveaway!
Oh Betsy, I have so enjoyed my visit to your blog party post. It is lovely. Please enter me because I need a new pair of striped stockings. Stop by for a midnight margarita or two.

Blessed be,


I do agree that the book is much more detailed.
Anonymous said…
OOOH, I love the striped socks! Super Witchy :) Glad to be a part of your first giveaway ❤

Meesh said…
I, too, aspire to be like the Aunts when I get old. They have such a fun, devil-may-care way of approaching life. Great post.

I'd like to enter the giveaway, also.
Karla said…
Oh Betsy...what a pure enchanting post filled with fun and magic...thank you for having me along...Practical Magic brings out all the good little white witches to usher in the season of quiet rest. Be Blessed and keep the magic alive!
Betty said…
A wonderful blog and party you have. I just love the movie. Congrats on your first giveaway and please enter my name.
Victoria said…
Hi Betsy..Yay..what a fabulous and beautiful post...gorgeous photos...thanks for sharing the enchantment! And the generous sriped stockings and all those treasures and goodies..yay!Best of luck to all!
Thanks for adding magic to my day!
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful post !!! I love it and your give away looks fantastic, I love the striped stockings ; )
Have a magical weekend.
Tamara said…
Hi Betsy, I really enjoyed reading your post. My sister and I have wanted to be the aunts for years and our plan is to someday do that...well if we are both widows and in that position anyway. lol Lucky you to live in a big old house! I would love that!! Where do you find your clothes?? I'm excited about your giveaway!! Fun treasures, please enter me! :) Thank you for the wonderful visit. :)
Andréann said…
AH! I'd love to win. Now I wonder why I haven't purchase one pair of those stocking already. And that box is lovely!
I bet you'll make a wonderful aunt!!
Dena Miller said…
I love your post so much!!!! Of course I would also LOVE to win the Beautiful giveaway♥
Stop on over to my party when you can.
Much Love,
Karen said…
Oh, I love your post...
You have a wonderful imagination !!
And your Kitty is Enchanting...
Lisa said…
Wonderful post and fantastic giveaway. Kinda in love with the look of your blog as well. Stop by my enchanted oven and have a cookie with me.
Linda said…
Thank you so very much for inviting me to your PM party. I had a wonderful time. Yes, I would love to be entered in your 1st giveaway. Please visit me:
Magaly Guerrero said…
How lovely. I love your stockings. And how brilliant to think of a Rosemary and Lavender giveaway.

P.S. I'm in love with your blog layout; darkly delicious!
Anonymous said…
I would love to grow roses in my back yard -- but as far as herbs go, only thyme, basil, and sage seem to enjoy growing back there! It's the herbs that I don't plant that seem to enjoy growing back there!
Pabkins said…
What a fun mix of goodies and I thoroughly enjoyed the post! be sure to drop by my sisters!
tlabunski **((gmail))**
LuLu Kellogg said…
I have watched the movie countless times but have not read the book yet.

What a fabulous Giveaway! Please enter my name in the hat for this! Visit me also as I am giving away one of my Art Crowns!

Thank you so much for sharing your post with all of us for the Practical Magic Blog Party! Lovely to visit with you!

LuLu Kellogg
Jane K said…
Wonderful post, I love your giveaway the box and it's contents are fabulous.

I so agree with you about the aunts, I too come from a long line of strong minded and independent women (some may say awkward women LOL) I think the aunts are good role models to have, after all who wants to be normal.

J x
Hi Betsy! I'm finally here to visit with you! You did such a great job with your Practical Magic post. :) And I was admiring your stockings - then I discover you are giving them away! Thanks for the opportunity to win them AND your lovely magic box!!! :) I'll keep my fingers crossed, as September 30th is my birthday...maybe I shall be lucky! Enjoy the rest of the festivities!
Carousel Dreams said…
What a fabulous post Betsy...I really enjoyed reading about you and your family of strong, matriachal women - love that, and I have no doubt that you are well on your way to being as wonderful and eclectic as the aunts! Such a generous giveaway too - your attention to detail is incredible! And I love the pic of the black cat - thankyou so much for having me x
Celia said…
Well.....I want to be like the Aunts when I grow up too!!! I would love see and hear more about your witchy wardrobe!! Have any pictures to share? I really really really really really hope I win this giveaway!!! I think I'm going to have to light a candle and send that wish out into the universe!!
Lady Jess said…
What lovely prizes! I'd love to be entered! I do hope you will be contacting the winner as well, so that they don't forget to come back and check your blog. Here's my e-mail...just in case. ;)
Susan said…
wonderful post Betsy! yes we have the socks, but I wouldn't mind a second pair and I absolutely LOVE your other giveaways! Please toss my name in your hat. can let your cat pick! LOL thanks for the opportunity. (You have already been to my post--giving away a copy of the movie and the book) I like the movie much better than the book. have you read Garden Spells? I am reading that now, so far so good!
Many blessings and hugs my friend,

susanscraps AT comcast DOT net
Victoria said…
I loved your post, Betsy. I also believe that magic is very much all around just have to be open to seeing it. I also come from a very matriarchal family; I even had an Aunt Francis. Oops, but she was on my father's side. Still, she fit right in with my mother's side of the family and she and my mother were best friends for all of their lives. Thanks for stopping by my PM blog post...


Victoria from Brushstrokes
Unknown said…
This is a great post! I want to be like the aunts, too. Say "meow" to your kitty for me!
Kathy said…
It has been a great while since I read the book. I think books are amazing because you use your own imagination to join in with the author's words. I too love the aunts and especially those hats! Terrific post and amazing giveaway!
Love how well you've put everything together.Great post!
Shelly said…
love your post and love those striped stockings!!!!! i have four cats and one of them is jet black.. she is my practical magic cat! love your blog!

Petunia said…
Hi Betsey! I love everything about your post and I agree with you completely. I see myself as more like the Aunts and like you I think I'm already halfway there. Your first giveaway is wonderful. Some lucky person will be very happy, maybe it might be me! Thank you so much for sharing this, for being a part of my party and for all the lovely comments you always leave me. Have a beautiful Autumn :)

Petunia said…
Ooops...sorry, I didn't mean to put that extra 'e' in your name! Perhaps it's time I took a wee break from all this flying around and blog hopping!
Unknown said…
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comments!

Oh, but your blog is gorgeous! I really enjoyed my visit and wish you much success on your route to becoming like those aunts!

Your give-away is delightful and I'd be happy to give those striped socks a new home! LOL!

Enjoy the party!

Blessed Be,
Birgit said…
Your sweet black cat reminds me so much of my late cat. :) Lovely party post -- and thanks for the chance to win those goodies.

By the way, where did you buy those socks? When a friend of mine goes to the USA again, I might be able to tell her where to look for those socks then. :)

Magical Times,
Kim said…
I love love your post! And you really spoke to me in regards to what is so special about the book. I most definitely hope to by like the aunts in my old age. And thank you for such a wonderful giveaway.
Unknown said…
What a fun post and I love the photo of you getting ready to take off, the stiped leggings are great (and I would so love to win my very own pair).

Thanks for the wonderful PM post!
Michelle said…
Ohhh, what a lovely party post! I love both the book and the movie. I think they should make a sequel! Your giveaway items are amazing. Thanks for sharing, Michelle
Thank you for having me to your party, what a great post! And such an amazing giveaway, all the best parts of the movie in one little package.
Ricki Treleaven said…
Hello, I am visiting form the Practical Magic Blog party. :D Betsy, I love your post, and your giveaway is so nice! I think the aunts are fantastic in the book and film, too. Thanks for a *neat* post.
Anonymous said…
Great post! I really enjoyed stopping by here. Thank you for checking out my post and your beautiful comment!!

KG said…
Such a great post! Who wouldn't love to have the aunts in their life. It's a great aspiration to be. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. Thanks so much for swinging by my blog and party.

~K. Michele
Theresa N. said…
I enjoyed my visit, thank you.
Theresa N
Bird said…
Hi Betsy,
I think the book was so awesome in PM. It would be fun to have something so huge and wonderfully full of amazing imagery and great spells. Love your post and I would love to also be in your giveaway. Thank you so much for having such a generous and fun giveaway for this great event.

Bright autumn blessings to you,
Carlene said…
You did a great post for the blog hop :) Thanks for the generous givaway-please count me in.
Unknown said…
Very appropriate giveaway. And I love the music change too, btw. :)

Suddenly I'm thinking, "Wait a minute. Why have I never gotten red and white striped stockings?" And I'm also wondering how I could dress as the Wicked Witch of the East... Oooh! I'm totally going to make a house out of a giant box!
Melissa said…
I just read the book as well for the party and absolutely loved it!! Great post and thanks so much for the chance to wear witchy red and white strped socks!!!

mk261274 at gmail dot com

♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Meanderings
like the air said…
Hi! I am new to the world of blogging and am having so much fun reading so many beautiful blogs! This is my first comment to your blog! I LOVE it! I love all things Practical Magic! I got hooked after I saw the movie and went on to read every book Alice Hoffman ever wrote! :) I am loving your giveaway! My 14 year old daughter always says that "music is her life" so she would love the gorgeous box you made! And my little one says she is going to be a witch when she grows up! So those little herb bottles would surely be right up her alley! :) Keeping my fingers crossed that we will win!!
Queenie Believe said…
Beautiful blog and wonderful PM party post. Thanks for the great party stop as I slowly make the rounds. Yep I'm tardy to the party :o) Better late the never I think. Your give-away is totally devine. If I win I promise to at least get onto the roof and maybe even conjure to courage to take a leap of faith.
Have a great day and a magical autumn,
beverly e said…
I enjoyed reading your post... I am now going to HAVE to read the book! I love, LOVED the movie. Please enter me in your first ever giveaway. Bright Blessings!
Zoe said…
Such a lovely post, really enjoyed it, makes me want to watch and read it once again :)

Zoe x

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