Magical Monday - Welcoming 2017
Magical Monday 3 Card Spread - Head, Heart, Spirit Head: King of Stones - Wolf: Learning from your past mistakes as well as the mistakes of others. Learning from history rather than repeating it. Wisdom that comes with age. Heart: 20 The Great Bear: Going through a time of change. Taking time to assess what is important in your life, and what is not. Taking an honest look at your life to see what you need more of and less of. Make your life better through honest contemplation. Spirit: Three of Stones - Creativity: Harnessing your creativity to make beautiful things, and to express your truth. Don't be afraid that what you are doing is not good enough. This is an expression of your soul, and should be treated as such by you. Totem for the Week: from Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson Illustrated by Angela C. Werneke 24 Crow: If Crow med...