Sweet lovers love, The Spring

It's Spring!! And life has sprung with a vengeance.
I am not really complaining, but it feels like utter chaos at times.
I was in my very first tribal belly dance performance with the lovely ladies of Sacred Shimmy Belly Dance. It was amazing, and beautiful, and I am truly proud of myself for getting up there and doing it. Seth, my mom, and my sister all came out to root me on and support me.  I got permission to bring along my niece, Moira, as well and it was beautiful to be able to share something I love so much with her. She danced with me during breaks and it was absolutely amazing.

My niece is so amazing and 7 going on 17. She wants to do this again, but next time she wants a skirt and flowers for her hair. I have work to do. Haha.
Last week I got my second Raven tattoo. Hugin has now joined Munin and now I feel a little more complete. Zach did an amazing job, as usual. I love that he looks very different than Munin, and that it just feels like a brother, not a twin.
 The next couple of days are going to be amazing. Tomorrow I have the day off of work and we are going to see Chris Hardwick (@nerdist) at the Southern Theatre. I am ridiculously excited and a huge fan. We are really super close too. Like third row, first two seats on the middle aisle. It is going to be so great.
Saturday and Sunday I am headed to the Ashville Viking Festival. Saturday I am going with Seth as a Viking. Sunday I am going with my mother in full wench mode. :) It is such a fabulous little faire and I am ready to go and have a great time.


Sunny said…
I admire all the women who do this. At one time in my life I wanted to learn to do this, but never followed through with it. Now, with my back problems, I no longer am able.

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