Spring into Fitness Week 1 Update

Week one is over and here's where I am. I did really well on exercise. I got up at 5 and worked out 30-40 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and we did the big hike on Saturday. Tuesday I woke up with stomach pains and stomach issues and exercise do not mix, so I skipped my workout that day. Sunday was Easter and I just didn't get a chance to workout that day. I did fly a kite that day though, so I got at least a little exercise.

For eating, I definitely ate more fruit and veggies. And during the week my eating was awesome. I did a really good job of keeping myself healthy and portioned well. Saturday morning I was really bad. My family went out to breakfast before hiking and that meant the breakfast bar at Frisches. Buffets are my achille's heel. I just want to keep eating and you know not everything I'm picking up is healthy.Sigh. At least we did go hiking after, and I ate well the rest of the day, but still. Sunday I was really proud of myself, because I kept myself away from the worst foods and really watched myself. Yay me!!

Sunday night I bit the bullet and decided to join Weight Watchers online as well. I have done so well with the weight watchers system on my own, but since I have hit a plateau I figured I would give it a try. I will let you know what I think. Hopefully that can push me past my stoppage and get me back to losing.

I am skipping weigh in and measuring this week. I have been majorly stressing out about not losing, and the fact that my wedding is only 6 months away and I can't fit in my dress. I'm panicking, so I am not going to weigh myself for a week to make myself stop focusing on that. Next week I promise.

I am madly in love with my new hat. :) 


Raushanna said…
Sounds like you had a good week! Hey, don't weigh yourself if that is going to affect your outlook. Just hang in there and connect with your muscles!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing, will be interested in finding out how WW works to help with the plateau.
Queenie Believe said…
Yay you!!! Keep up the great work!! Don't do the weigh-in thing especially if it is going to push you into stress mode. Who needs that! Just do the best you can. Don't beat yourself up when you stumble. Just pick your self up into a positive frame of mind and press forward far far away from the dark land of would-da, shoul-da, could-da.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
Toriz said…
YAY you! Keep up the good work; hope this week is as good for you! :)

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