Spring into Fitness - Week 3

Week 3 was a pretty good week. I am still exercising every day. I had a "bad" day on Saturday that involved pizza and breadsticks, but I really don't feel that bad about it. I feel like I can splurge a little every once in a while without beating myself up about it.

Here is the week in numbers:
Weight: 206.4
Bust: 44
Waist: 38
Bicep: 13
Thigh: 22

For my weight loss goals, I am doing really well. I am losing, even if it isn't huge numbers and am definitely using inches. Yay. I fell off the wagon on Sunday, but I had plenty of points to cover it, so I didn't shoot myself in the foot entirely.

Elemental Goals - Water: I have been drinking more water, and tea. I have almost entirely cut out pop, which used to be near daily. Earth: I went out on Sunday, in the chill, and weeded the gardens, put up fence, mowed and helped Seth put together our grill. Made me feel good to get out and get my hands dirty. Air: Well it's not exactly new, but I am going to sign up to take tribaret at Bellydance Columbus. It's a mix of tribal and cabaret styles and I think I am going to love it. That will start in May. Fire: I am feeling so motivated and really good about where I am and where I am going. I just need to keep going.

I actually missed last weeks challenge, somehow, so I am going to "play" this week. I will let you know how it goes.


Toriz said…
Excellent week! You're right not to feel guilty; you can splurge/treat yourself from time to time! :)

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