Litha Blessings!!

It's Litha, and in celebration I thought I would share the items I made and received in the Craftster WWP Litha Swap. My partner was the wonderful sugarsandwitch. She was a fantastic partner and it was great meeting her through the swap. :)

First what I received:
A Burning Man 

Wish/ Blessing Balls... you write a wish on a slip of paper and slip it into the ball and then burn it. 

A "pocket" that you can wear anytime. 

Whimsies from inside the pocket

Beads and more whimsies

Tiny Star Fish

Sand Dollars...also tiny.

A small shoulder pouch.

Shell bowls

A beautiful piece of foot jewelry...and my feet. 

Shells and a little piece of coral...eee.

Spoon Wands and taper candles.

A glow in the dark, sparkly, poly-clay faerie ring!! 

A close up of the sparkly. 

More toadstool awesomeness.

And what I sent my partner: 

Glow in the dark balls, a piece of carnelian and a piece of turquoise

Sun yard stakes

A sunflower barette

A necklace of amber and turquoise and an anklet of amber and hematite. 

A gypsy wreath. 

Litha prayer flags

And the backs of the flags.



Anonymous said…
How fun! I especially love the foot jewelry you received and the gypsy wreath you sent. I made those one year as gifts for two other witches I knew.

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