Another One Bites the Dust
Yep... another year is over. And what did I do in 2010. I participated in 12 Craftster craft swaps. I saw a bunch of movies. I participated in the Relay for Life for the second year in a row. I went to 4 different renaissance or medieval faires. I attended a gaming convention. I started this blog. I did 2 wench walks. I started Weight Watchers and lost 40+ pounds. My mom went into remission. I took belly dancing and hopefully can start again soon. I got engaged. I went to the zoo a lot. I went to the Newport Aquarium. I watched the fireworks from Huntington Field. I saw Wicked. I started College. I ate at some amazing restaurants I had never eaten at before. I saw 2 roller derby bouts. I participated in Making Strides against Breast Cancer. I was part of my first, but not last, blog party. I went to a couple of craft faires. I found amazing things at thrift stores. I began a new relationship with my father and his wife, Lesley. I did karaoke at least once. I played a lot of Ro...