
Showing posts from November, 2011

Get off your Broom - catch up and apologies

I couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting these posts and then I realized that I had changed everything, but my subscription to the blog, oops, so now I will play catch up a bit. First I should say that with all the exercise I have been doing it can not make up for the holidays, it just can't and I have decided that is okay. I refuse  to become so stressed about what I am eating, drinking etc. during the holidays that I don't enjoy myself at all. I am not overeating, but I am also not punishing myself for eating the trifle my little sister made. Once the holidays are over I will buckle down and be super careful again, but for now I am enjoying my family and the food that is involved in that. I am still exercising and counting my points, but I am NOT panicking if I realize that I have put on a pound. It will come back off, I know that, so I am letting it go. Not becoming complacent, but just refusing to kill myself over small gains and small things. My Week 4 Stats ...

Pride, Prejudice and Piercings

I am not going to reset my blog to adult however, this particular post is dealing with adult themes and may possibly be offensive to some people. It is not my intention. The female body, body modification/piercings, and frank conversations lie ahead. You have been warned. :) I want to tell you what I did on Friday, what led to that, why it is momentous and what it means for/to me. Friday after work Seth picked me up and we took a ride to the university area to here in Columbus to go to Evolved Body Art. We were going there for me to get my nipples pierced. This may elicit one of a couple reactions: "So what.", "Why in hell would you do that?", "That's really gross." or, you know, "Cool." I decided to get this body modification because I have a major issue with my breasts. My breasts and I are not the best of friends. At best I resent them and at worst outright despise this part of my anatomy. Why, you may ask. Well... there are a coup...

15 days of thankfulness - Day 15

November 24 - Day 15 - 3 things about your life right now that you are thankful for. I am thankful that I have been given the ability to go to College. And that I am doing really well. I am really proud, especially since my high school career was not great. I am thankful that both Seth and I have amazing and supportive families. I know that they are going to be there to help us with our wedding, our home and beyond. I am thankful for constant friends, friends rediscovered, friends I have never actually met, and, well, all my friends. I may not always call, stop by, comment or text, but I still love and appreciate you all in all ways. Thank you for following me through my 15 days of Thanksgiving. So to you and yours.

15 days of thankfulness - Day 14

November 23 - Day 14 - 3 things that make you laugh that you are thankful for. I can not help but laugh when I watch this video. It makes me thankful for my I am thankful for Matt Stone and Trey Parker. From South Park to Book of Mormon they always make me laugh. I adore and am thankful for Monty Python... always and in all ways. 

15 days of thankfulness - Day 13

November 22 - Day 13 - 3 things about your belief system/ faith/ spiritual path that you are thankful for. I am thankful for my fiance who, though not a follower of my path, will get involved and endeavors to understand what I do and believe. Our holiday dinners are just amazing. I am thankful for the tools of my religion. The cup, the cauldron, the broom, the pentacle, tarot, runes and my altar space. And thankful that I can proudly display them in my home.  I am thankful for the Craftster WWP (witches, wiccans and pagans) Swaps and the amazing people who do them. I have made some great friends on those swaps and I appreciate every single one. :) 

15 days of thankfulness - Day 12

November 21 - Day 12 - 3 things found in nature that you are thankful for. I am thankful for beautiful rivers and natural waterfalls. I am thankful for hiking trails, national parks and beautiful places to go for walks. My personal favorites here are Black Hand Gorge, Old Man's Cave/ Hocking Hills and the Columbus Metro Parks.  I am thankful for gardens, vegetable patches, farms and flower beds. I love all of them. I also love all trees, plants, weeds, grasses and everything else. I am thankful that nature is there. 

15 days of thankfulness - Day 11

November 20 - Day 11 - 3 friends who have inspired you that you are thankful for. My best friend from high school, Haley, who encouraged me to be my own woman, because she always was. Who taught me about music and movies and who was my constant companion in those crazy teenage years. My friend, Tina, who showed me that if you love something do it, by going against the odds to play roller derby. She retired this year but she was amazing.  My beautiful drama club friends, who are still my friends and favorite people, and the crew from Tee-Jayes. Great friends, Great Conversations, Great people. I'm lucky to know you all. And I'm thankful we are still friends even now. 

15 days of thankfulness - Day 10

November 19 - Day 10 - 3 teachers who touched your life that you are thankful for. Mrs. Isenhart (Mrs. I) my elementary school music teacher. She gave me my first duet in second grade and my first solo in third. She helped me get accepted into a select youth choir. She taught me to LOVE music, all kinds of music. My life would not have been the same without her. Mr Kohler my elementary school art teacher. He taught me to love art. He taught me that men love to get flowers too. He is a magical performer, and acting with him was one of the best experiences of my life. Mrs. Booher my high school theatre and acting teacher. She pushed me to heights I did not know I was capable of. She encouraged me and helped me and made me a stronger and better performer.

15 days of thankfulness - Day 9

November 18 - Day 9 - 3 upcoming events that you are looking forward to and are thankful for. I am looking forward to going to see Shrek: The Musical when it comes to town in January. I love, love, love musicals and at one point was planning to be a musical theatre/opera major, so any chance to go see a show makes me happy. And if you haven't heard the music from this musical check it out. It is going to be soooo cute. I am looking forward to having a huge party for my little sister because she will be 21 this year. We are going to take her out on the town and treat her to an amazing birthday. I am going to have so much fun putting it together with my mom. And finally, last but obviously not least, I am getting MARRIED in October. I am marrying the greatest man I know. He is amazing, and I feel so completely blessed to be his wife. For more info on this see my Tying-the-knot Tuesday posts.

15 days of thankfulness - Day 8

November 17 - Day 8 - 3 things in your home that you are thankful for. My craft room... it's still a work in progress, but I love it. My end of the couch... so comfy and wonderful. My books, movies and music... makes my life complete.

15 days of thankfulness - Day 7

November 16 - Day 7 - 3 inspirational songs you are thankful for. My number one inspirational song is The Rainbow Connection from The Muppet Movie. I have always counted myself among the lovers and dreamers. Plus it is sung by one of my favorite "people" in the world Kermit the Frog. My second song is The Rose by Better Midler. A little sad but very inspirational. And song number 3 is What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. I just love this song. I also love the Ramones version. 

A very hairy situation...

Seth and I found ourselves at COSI, a local children's museum on Saturday night for a very interesting event, Ohio's Second Beard and Moustache Competition and Festival. We attended because my lovely man is thinking of trying to compete and he wanted to see what it was all about. As a lady who loves the men with facial hair it was an interesting and very exciting event. I have never seen so much face hair in one place, it was insane. You would also buy t-shirts, pillows, art, etc with facial hair motifs. Competitors came from all over the US and Canada to compete, and the crew of Whisker Wars  was there covering the event. it was a great event and I think in the end Seth has decided he might try it next year. Here is some of the awesome...