More wench info...

Okay...the following post on wenching was supposed to have been posted last night, but I got a bit distracted.   Seth got home last night about 10:30 or so as is usual during the school year. He comes in and puts down his lunch box and such and then tells me he needs me in the other room because he has something for me. I get up and walk into the foyer and he pulls something from his shirt pocket. He got onto his knees and slipped a ring on my finger and asked me to marry him. And the ring... was a piece of his chainmaille. It's sterling silver in dragon scale weave. It's so beautiful and so meaningful since he made it by hand. This picture is not great but you can get the idea. I was completely surprised. I'm so excited.

Now back to that we know what makes a wench. What is a wench walk? Per The Little Brown Book - The Official Guide to The International Wenches Guild Wench Walk is defined as follows " when no fewer than 3 wenches promenade about a Faire site in a particularly wenchy manner (i.e.:saucy taunting, aggressive flirting) and leave a trail of red lipstick marks on every male.

These gentlemen are in the process of being wenched during a wench walk at the OSU Renaissance and Medieval Faire in May. The pigtails are the back of me.

The Wench Guild is divided into area groups called Locals. My Local is #57 The Wenches of all Flavors which encompasses Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. The best way to find a local group or to find more information on the guild is to visit It costs $45 to join and...

Your guild membership order includes the following:
  • * Numbered Pewter Wenches Guild Pin
  • 10 Kiss Card
  • License to Wench, suitable for framing
  • Digital downloads of The Little Brown Book (guild handbook) and Libretto d'Inuendo (the Guild Song Book)     
  • Wenches Guild ID Card
I did frame my license to wench. And I carry my /id card in my wallet at all times. :) It really is a great organization and a great way to meet other amazing women (a way other than 


Andréann said…
Congrats lady!!

and I'm happy you find some more RL friends as well :)
Ms. Bella said…
Congratulations! The ring is beautiful. I look forward to reading your posts and hearing about your engagement. Ms. Bella
KG said…
Congrats!! The ring is gorgeous!
J.Moehring said…
CCOONNGGRRAATTSSS!!!! That ring is AMAZING!!! I'm so excited for you!!
Zombie Queen said…
Congrats! The ring is so beautiful :)

The guild sounds like so much fun.
fun! I've met a few wenches when I have faired, and every one of them is amazing!

Congrats on the ring- I do love love love that it is handmade. I don't like the idea of diamonds and this choice is a great idea!
Danni said…
Omg, that ring is gorgeous!! And so much more special, because he made it himself.

Congratulations!!!!! x100!!
AlphaBetsy said…
I totally never said it, so I will now. Thank you all so much for the well wishes!!!

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